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本产品起重量般为5t、10t、16t、20t,起重量中包括抓斗自重,跨度为7.5~3. 5m,工作级别一般为A6级。
1.本机由箱型梁桥架、大车运行机构、小车部分、 抓斗及电气控制系统所组成。
3.抓斗为四绳抓斗,根据所抓取物料不同和工作状况有轻型、中型、重型,有1M3、1.5M3 、2.5M3、3M3可选用;抓斗只适用于自然堆积状态下,物料块粒在100mm以下时,如需抓取水下物料及特殊物料须在订货时说明。

    QZ overhead crane with grab,based on GB/T14405-2011 standard, is especially good at hoisting and conveying granular materials such as ore ,limestone,slag,cinder, coal, sand in many indust rial fields, for example metallurgy,cement mining and so on.

Performance data
Range of lifting load  5t,10t, 16t,20t
Range of span  7.5~31.5m
Allowed c rane classification group A6

Main Features:
    1. The machine is mainly composed of box bridge travelling mechanism,trolley,grab and electrical system.
    2.Trolley, equipped with two winding drums,has two set of respective drive One is fo r conveying mate rials,the other is for opening and closing grab.
    3.Grab has four ropes According to different materials and working conditions,its classification group is divided into light medium and heavy its volume haslM3,1.5M3,2.5M3,3M3for choice. In general Grab is appropriate for granular mate rials through natural accumulation,the dimension of whch is less than 100mm .If underwater mate rials or other special materials are required to be conveyed, you need to point out it in the order.
   4. Travelling mechanism adopts respective drive Travelling mechanism and trolley may choose eithe r resistors or variable frequency for speed adjustment.
   5.The manipulationis cab’s control,either open or closed.

  版权所有:山东烟起起重设备有限公司(原烟台市起重设备厂),制作维护:烟台一搜软件技术开发有限公司      公司简介 / 产品展示 / 新闻中心 / 下载中心 / 留言板 / 联系方式